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Getting Help

You can also use the PowerShell command Get-Help on the Invoke-psake function to get more detailed help.

# First import the psake.psm1 file

Import-Module .\psake.psm1

Get-Help Invoke-psake -full

To list functions available in the psake module:

C:\Software\psake> Get-Command -module psake

CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Function Assert ...
Function Exec ...
Function FormatTaskName ...
Function Include ...
Function Invoke-psake ...
Function Properties ...
Function Task ...
Function TaskSetup ...
Function TaskTearDown ...

To get example usage for individual functions in the psake PowerShell module, use Get-Help, For example:

C:\Software\psake> Get-Help Assert -examples


Helper function for "Design by Contract" assertion checking.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

C:\PS>Assert $false "This always throws an exception"

This example always throws an exception

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

C:\PS>Assert ( ($i % 2) -eq 0 ) "%i is not an even number"

This example may throw an exception if $i is not an even number